T-Mobile decided to beat the crowd by running weekend special of their T-Mobile One plan. The promotion has been extended till Tuesday, November 22nd, few days before Black Friday 2016.
Being T-mobile customer for over six years, I had decent experience overall. They offer lower plan rates than Sprint, Verizon and AT&T. However, as far as the network coverage goes, I haven’t been able to make calls in many places due to weak signal. in fact, the past two years I feel as if their network coverage degraded tremendously.
You may argue, it could be because of a use of an old smartphone. However, I’m sharing this experience based on Samsung Galaxy Edge S7 usage, which is supposedly considered to be the top Android smartphone in the market today.
I looked into the T-mobile promotion with the unlimited data. It’s clever how it was advertised but in reality, doesn’t work for everyone. For instance, I have 5-lines family plan, paying $140 which includes 6 GB data for each line. Upgrading to the new promotion will cost me $20 more which means the promotion itself is misleading.
T-Mobile promotion states:
GET 2 FREE LINES! Buy 2 phone lines and get 2 lines FREE. That’s only $120/mo. for 4 lines!
Looking at the promotion above, the cost for 4 lines is $120 and an additional $20 for the 5th line, the cost should be $140. However, that is not how it works. In fact, I called T-mobile customer service this morning to inquire about the promotion and was told my monthly bill will be $160 before taxes. While the existing data plan of 6 GB per line is sufficient for our use but I thought why not get the unlimited data plan for the same price!
What does unlimited data plan mean?
The way many of us understand it, it means UNLIMITED high speed data but T-Mobile false advertise it. Recently, FCC Reaches $48m Settlement with T-Mobile Over Unlimited’ Data Plans inadequate disclosures of ‘unlimited’ data plan restrictions.
Customers who use more data than 97% of our customers (currently over 28 GB per month) will have their usage prioritized below other traffic and may notice slower speeds and their majority of data usage must be on smartphone or tablet. See T-Mobile.com/OpenInternet for details on data prioritization.
In reality, unlimited high-speed data plan is capped at 28 GB. Once used, expect low speed for the remaining of the billing cycle. The FCC slammed T-Mobile with a fat fine after many heavy data customers filed complains.
With that said, T-Mobile new promotion remains a great deal for some families. Do not cross it out yet, especially if you currently have 2 lines on your plan, why not get 2 more lines free!