Should I start my own website?

By | November 1, 2016

A question that everyone ask before going through the process of registering a new domain name and/or purchasing a web hosting package is should I build a website? Before even getting into more details about how to register a domain, it is worth mentioning that there are many freely available blogging websites that offer free web addresses where you can start your own blogging website without the need to have any web development background. For example WordPress ( where you choose any available address and you start unleashing your blog ideas.

Building a website of your own is easy whether you sign up for free service or purchase your own personal website domain, but the unanswered question remains “should I build a website?

As you are reading about building websites, tens if not hundreds of websites are being launched but few of them will last! There are millions of websites out there that barely get any traffic. Now, you’re probably asking why? Because most of those websites duplicate information of others. The only way to make your website stands out among the millions of websites out there is to be original. What that means is writing your own unique contents regardless what topic(s) you blog about. It would help your case better if you blog about things that you have strong background in, hobbies, things you are passionate about, sharing your personal experiences about various subjects.

From my personal experience, if you can’t think of at least 50-post to start your blog site with, you shouldn’t go through the trouble of building a website or pay someone to build it for you. You are probably better off using existing social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) where you can share your thoughts.

Alternatively, you can test your writing skills by creating a free blog website using many of the available platforms such as Blogger. Never know, you could be a gifted writer! You should focus on a unique topic and expand on it as you go along.

Once your website traffic picks up, getting more unique visitors, you should consider looking into ways of generating revenue while continuing to update and add new contents.

If you are a passionate writer, more power to you!

Most people may not be aware that writing is a therapy. I see it as the most powerful tool to unleash your thoughts and views to the largest audience worldwide.