Now that the foundation is ready, it is time to frame the walls of the building. Starting with the longer side (back-side) as shown on Fig. 6. It can be built on the yard and once the frame is completed, it can be attached to the foundation. It is probably the easiest was for a beginner.
- 2 (2-in x 4-in x 10-ft) – standard wood
- 9 (2-in x 4-in x 6-ft) – standard wood
- Corner metal braces – optional
Similar to the framing of the foundation, the walls in general follow the same procedure of construction with respect to sizes as shown on Fig. 7. The dimensions of your shed may differ depending on the building size. The length and width given on these figures apply only to the shed described in this tutorial.
Once you construct the back-side wood frame using the instructions above, you will need someone to help you carrying it and securing it to the foundation. Install it exactly on the edge without leaving any space.
Now that the back-side frame is built and secured, to see a compiled drawings of all figures used for planning the back side wall, or continue to building a frame for the front side wall.