Building the foundation frame of the shed project

By | October 10, 2016


Now that you are ready to start building your shed, have you decided where to build it at?

In many cases, most people build sheds on backyards but it all really depends on your lot.

There are few things you should check first before deciding on the location of your shed such as how far your shed should be from the borderline of your lot. It is required in some counties to build a shed at least 6-feet away from the borderline. At the same time, if you have homeowners’ association (HOA) in your community, there might be additional restrictions. It is always best to do your homework ahead of time before buying any power tools or building materials.

It is recommended to build the shed on a flat surface but you can build it anywhere. The most important thing is making a well-balanced foundation. Using concrete blocks help alleviate the foundation few inches off the ground.  The best part of the concrete block shown above is that it is made to fit 1.5-inch wood making if very ideal option for the foundation studs.

shed-building-fig_1For 6 ft x 10 ft shed, place concrete blocks evenly spaced. Now, build the exterior frame of the foundation according to the dimensions show on Fig. 1. It is very important that you structure the frame of the foundation perfectly cut to exact dimensions.

Referring to Fig. 2 now, since the studs are 1.5-inch wide, the 10-inch studs extending along the longer sides supply 3-inches to the width, meaning the studs along the shorter sides should be 5’9″ long and not 6-ft. After making the rectangular frame, it is time to place it on the concrete blocks and using the level to insure the frame are balanced from all sides. No need to rush into building the shed without making sure the foundation is well balanced.

Perhaps adding the center piece stud should help insuring the foundation is balanced. Refer to Fig. 3 which shows an addition of a center stud. Four of the concrete blocks should be placed under the frame corners and two concrete blocks in the center along the 10-inch sides.  You may double check with the level again to make sure the frame is perfectly balanced.  If so, mix the bag of the cement mix with water and fill around the frame to secure it. Use any strong tape around the concrete blocks to hold the cement in place till it dries. Take a break for about 24-hours to let the concrete hold nicely.

See a compiled drawings of all figures used for planning the foundation, or continue to the next step of framing the foundation.