Building a custom door for the shed

By | October 19, 2016

You should still have enough sidings to use to build a door. Make good use of the remaining materials to construct a door. Why not get creative and make a door that looks like a piece of art work.

Since you have already covered previous sections of constructing the shed foundation, back side wall frame, front side wall framethe shorter side wall framesconstructing roof frame, installing sidings and installing roof shingles, the building is complete.


Enough talk, let us get to work. The door opening should be 36-inch. Referring to Fig. 19, the door width should be 35.5-inch, leaving ~ 1/4-inch gap all around the door with exception to the bottom part of the door which should extend longer than shed floor.

Materials needed (for both sides):

  • 6 (1-in x 6-in x 6-ft) – weather treated.
  • Weather proof siding plates.

Using the weather proof siding, measure and cut the plate to the exact width and length as Fig. 19. Make good use of the left over sidings and cut couple more pieces that be used to double the door. The first piece you caught will be used for the front side of the door while the other two pieces can be used on the back of the door, since they won’t be visual from the outside anyways.

shed-building-fig_20Cut two of the weather treated wood (1-in x 6-in x 6-ft) to a length of 68″ each.

Using the same type of wood, cut three pieces to a length of 23.5″ each.

Now that put the pieces all together similar to Fig. 20. It is preferable to use screws not nails.

shed-building-fig_21Once you are done making the custom door, next step is to install two additional (1-in x 6-in x 6-ft) wood along both sides of the door frame as shown on Fig. 21. Make sure to level them correctly because they will be used for door hinges and door latch. The other piece that goes on top of the door is more like a decorative piece but would also prevent rain water from going inside the shed.

Now install door using shed/barn door hinges. Also, you will need to add door latch once you have tested that the door was installed correctly. Open and close few times to see how it works and if any adjustment is needed before installing sliding door latch.

The only thing remaining is the window and ramp. However, building a ramp should be easy to figure out at this point. If you have any question, feel free to ask.

Click here to see compiled drawings of all figures used to build the shed custom door.