Roof shingles replacement recommendation

Builders, in general, mostly use the basic asphalt shingles for newly built homes which is recommended to be replaced between 10-15 years of installation. In 2008, I purchased a home built in 1997. Due to home alleviation, literally every year, I had to get some repair done on the house roof due to some old shingles getting blown… Read More »

Optional items to add to the shed building

Adding optional items to the completed shed building project is recommended but not required. For instance, side vents play major role in providing air ventilation to the interior side of the shed building. Even though you have installed a window on the front side of the shed but the window does not provide proper ventilation while it is… Read More »

Shed building compiled floor plan

Constructing the shed foundation Constructing the shed back side frame Constructing front side frame Constructing the shorter side frame Constructing the roof frame Building a custom door

Installing the shed window

You have came a long way, congrats! The window is the last piece of the shed building project. Having a window on the shed is a great option. In addition to letting sunlight into the shed, it provides better air ventilation inside, especially if you build bigger shed that you plan to spend more time inside it to… Read More »

Building a custom door for the shed

You should still have enough sidings to use to build a door. Make good use of the remaining materials to construct a door. Why not get creative and make a door that looks like a piece of art work. Since you have already covered previous sections of constructing the shed foundation, back side wall frame, front side wall frame, the… Read More »