Exercising the right to vote is a civic duty

Regardless of whom you vote for, whether it is Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump or an independent candidate, it is a civic duty that every American should exercise his/her right to vote for a Presidential candidate or any other election in general. Again, it is your right to vote and it is certainly a civic duty but you are… Read More »

Acknowledging your weaknesses does not make you weaker but stronger

Every day in our lives, we face various challenges. Most of us have heard the expression “today isn’t my day!“. Now, let’s think about that for a minute. We usually say that when we’re having a bad day. That’s quiet normal and we all experience such days. As humans, we have many weaknesses and no one is perfect!… Read More »

Are you a coffee lover or a coffee addict?

Am I a coffee addict? Well, drinking more than two cups of coffee a day may qualify a person to be called coffee addict. Regardless what terms people use to describe over consumption of caffeine, it sounds better to be called coffee lover. Now, you are probably wondering if addiction can be measured by the number of cups… Read More »

Pressure treated wood comparison – Lowes & Home Depot

Back in 2010, when I built a storage shed, I placed a single order of estimated materials needed to complete the shed building. The order was placed through Lowes and since the cost of materials was over $500, the order was delivered free of charge. You’re probably wondering why would this article be about pressure treated wood, what’s… Read More »

Should I start my own website?

A question that everyone ask before going through the process of registering a new domain name and/or purchasing a web hosting package is should I build a website? Before even getting into more details about how to register a domain, it is worth mentioning that there are many freely available blogging websites that offer free web addresses where you… Read More »