Acknowledging your weaknesses does not make you weaker but stronger

By | November 5, 2016

Every day in our lives, we face various challenges. Most of us have heard the expression “today isn’t my day!“. Now, let’s think about that for a minute.

We usually say that when we’re having a bad day. That’s quiet normal and we all experience such days. As humans, we have many weaknesses and no one is perfect! That’s another expression we often use to justify a wrong doing or to comfort someone who makes a mistake.  It’s true! We have many imperfections and the only way to overcome such ego within us is to acknowledge our shortcomings so we can better ourselves.

If you are the type of person who always claims to be right at all times regardless what you do or say, then you should probably take a moment with yourself and dig a little deeper into your past. You’ll certainly realize there are times when you made wrong decisions and/or have said hurtful words to someone that you regret, etc.

Acknowledging your weaknesses does not make you weaker but stronger. Now, you are probably wondering how would such weakness makes me stronger? Well, if you know your weakness, you would try finding a way to overcome it. For example, if your weakness is giving public speeches, you may decide to join a toastmaster group and improve your public speaking skills and become better speaker. However, if you insist that you are perfect and do not have any weakness, most likely you won’t look for ways to improve yourself.

You are the only one who can shape your character! If you are the kind of person who strives to better yourself, you would be amazed as time passes how much you have positively changed.

Yes, some days can be rough but that should not be a reason to give up on life. If you happen to be someone who loves watching sunset, the sky-view as the sun sets is stunning but it is followed with darkness. At the same time, the sun rises the next day again to brighten our new day. The point is, no matter how much difficulties and hardships we face today, we’ll soon see a bright light. Patience is a virtue!

Life is a long journey! No matter how many times you fall, stand up and continue moving. Never look back to regret your past but to reflect on lessons you have learned that made you much more stronger person today.

If one door closes on your face, do not stand there waiting for that door to reopen. Turn around to see how many new doors opened for you. Never lose hope!