Am I a coffee addict?
Well, drinking more than two cups of coffee a day may qualify a person to be called coffee addict. Regardless what terms people use to describe over consumption of caffeine, it sounds better to be called coffee lover.
Now, you are probably wondering if addiction can be measured by the number of cups consumed. The answer to that is NO! Because, it would also depend on the size of the coffee cup, is it 12-oz cup or 24-oz one? Which means, it is unfair measurement to go by the number of cups drunk daily but by the number of ounces.
You can probably tell by the photo above that I’m big fan of Tim Hortons coffee. Not a big fan of dark roasted coffee and Tim Hortons is a perfect medium roast. It is somewhat similar to Dunkin Donuts coffee which is my second favorite. Unfortunately, we do not have it where I currently live. It is a Canadian based coffee chain but they have expended their restaurants to neighboring US States.
As for Starbucks, I actually completely stopped drinking their coffee until the introduced Blonde roast because the Pike roast was too strong for someone who does not put cream in the coffee like me.
Depending on where you reside, there might be great local cafes worth checking out. Thumbs up to all coffee lovers out there!