Category Archives: Shed Tutorial

This category is specific to detailed instructions on how to build a shed, providing step by step tutorial, power tools and materials needed to complete shed project.

Installing roof plywood and shingles

Obviously, we can not install roof shingles before first installing plywood on the roof. Cut 4-ft x 8-ft plywood to the length needed. Install them on the roof frame using mix of screws and/or nails. Once done installing roof plywood, installing shingles on such a small roof is probably the easiest part of the building process. However, before… Read More »

Installing shed sidings instructions

The hardest part of the shed project is constructing the building frame. It is time consuming and required a lot of measuring, leveling and wood cutting. Since you have already completed constructing the foundation, back side wall framing, front side wall framing, the shorter side framing and constructing roof frame, the rest of the tutorial should be straight forward. Your completed… Read More »

Constructing the roof frame of the shed

Hang in there tight! You’re almost there. Before referring to any figure, let us crunch some numbers. Not really but you will need to so some calculation to figure the roof pitch. Luckily, there are many websites out there that do such calculations. It is assumed that you have already covered the instructions to construct foundation, back side… Read More »

Building the frame for the shorter side walls of the shed

After securing the back side wall frame and front side wall frame to the foundation, time to build the shorter side wall frames. Basically, build two identical wall frames with same dimensions shown on Fig. 14. One thing you may have noticed, the shorter sides are 1.5-inch higher than the longer sides. That is fine! Continue with the… Read More »

Building the front side wall frame of the shed

After securing the back side wall frame to the foundation, time to build the front side wall frame. Similarly to the construction of the back side, as shown on Fig. 12. It can be built on a flat surface and once the frame is completed, it can be attached to the foundation. The dimensions of your shed may… Read More »